
Installing Trac on a virtual server is done using a package that includes all the necessary services. Installation is performed in ssh linux console, Centos 7 is used as a server. The latest version of the package can be found on the developer's website Bitnami

Before starting the installation, you need to make sure that there are no pre-installed services on the server, for example, to remove apache, use the command:

# yum remove httpd

We also recommend setting up the firewall service right away:

# iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT

# iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT

# service iptables save

# service iptables restart

Download and install the package:

# wget

# chmod +x

# ./

Language Selection

Please select the installation language

[1] English

[2] Spanish

[3] Simplified Chinese

Please choose an option [1] :

We keep the default English to avoid problems with encoding in other languages, and also to keep it consistent with the description below. (press Enter)

Select a folder [/opt/trac-1.4.2-0]:

Press Enter if you want to leave the specified path as default

Login [user]: user 

Password : ****** 

Trac administrator login and password

[1] Subversion [2] Git

Please choose an option [2] :

Repository type, select the default, press Enter

Project Name [Project]: Test

Project name, for example Test

Select a folder [/opt/trac-1.4.2-0/apps/trac/trac_projects]:

Project folder, leave it as it is, press Enter

Select a folder [/opt/trac-1.4.2-0/apps/trac/trac_repositories/repository]:

Folder with repositories, leave by default, press Enter

Do you want to continue? [Y/n]: Y

Proceed with installation.

Launch Trac application. [Y/n]: Y

Launch the application.

Now you can open a link like http://server_ip/ in a browser and test the application.

In order to move the application to the root (without the trac folder), use the command

# installdir/apps/APPNAME/bnconfig --appurl /  

In this case, the command will look like this:

# /opt/trac-1.4.2-0/apps/trac/bnconfig --appurl /

To turn off the auxiliary menu, use the command

# installdir/apps/APPNAME/bnconfig --disable_banner 1

In this case, the command will look like this:

# /opt/trac-1.4.2-0/apps/trac/bnconfig --disable_banner 1

To get started, you need to go under the user specified during installation and the administration option will appear.

Trac installation is complete.

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